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Reverse Implied Odds

As the name says reverse implied odds represents the amount of money you could possibly lose if your opponent calls your bet. In the Implied Odds example, the player with pocket aces could possibly lose most of his money if the flop brings another 6, since he is likely to believe that his hand is still the strongest. On the other side, the pocket sixes will most likely fold to a big bet if he doesn't hit on the flop. So the player with AA has high reverse implied odds, while the player with 66 has low reverse implied odds.

Basically, if you have a big hand like aces in the hole, you want to reduce the implied odds of your opponents. For instance, in the Implied Odds example, if the bet to call was $460 instead of $60, and therefore the remaining stack of the player with aces $400 and the pot $510, implied odds would now be 910 to 460, which is a little less than 2 to 1, and that would therefore warrant the player with pocket sixes to fold.

Now, this is not necessarily the best move from the player holding pocket aces, as it's very likely that the other player will fold and hence he won't extract any chips from him. Hence, using the odds is a balancing act; you want to make it so that in the long run, the play you make is profitable for you and induce plays from the opponents that are not profitable for them.

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